Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CT Urban Farmer

My dream job would be some sort of farmer. I would settle for anything in the agricultural industry. With my background and situation in life, the chances of me doing this are looking slim to none. So what do I do to scratch this itch? I garden. I started off about 5 years ago with just a couple of tomato plants and have added something new every year. I am by no means a green thumb yet but am working on it.

In years past i have limited my garden my side yard and containers on the back porch. This year I am going all out. I am adding raised beds to the back yard and hope to grow most all of our fresh produce for the summer and fall. I would also like to learn to can my produce to have enough to make it through winter. It may not happen, but I am looking forward to trying. In addition to the vegeatables and herbs I am wanting to plant bluberry, raspberry and blackberry bushes. I would also like to bring chickens into the mix eventually.

If it sounds far fetched for my meager yard, check out these people. They are able to produce 6000 lbs of produce per year on their 1/10th of an acre lot. They may be a little crazy, but they have a great story.

So if there is anyone out there who would like to teach me the art of canning and jam making I would love to hear from you.


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