Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Stuff Christians Like That I Don't Like

There are things that Christians say, support, and do that tend get under my skin. I hope this list does not offend you. I am not saying that there is something wrong with most of these things. It is that they are just not for me.

1) Chick-fil-a
2) One word church names. "The Village, The Way, Pontification, The Signal, etc"
3) Beth Moore
4) Sarah Palin
5) Use of the @ sign
6) Christian Radio.
7) The Duggars. I do like their laundry soap (It is not them personally, I am sure they are great people)
8) Tea Party Movement
9) The phrase 24/7/365
10) Tim Tebow
11) Boycotting. Disney, P&G, Sony, The Da Vinci Code, Halloween,Etc. http://www.christianboycott.org/
12) Kirk Cameron

I am sure there are plenty of things that I do that get under others skin. This is just my list.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a vague memory of boycotting Burger King in the 80's for some reason or another.