Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A letter from Sarah Steelman

Attached is a recent letter from Sarah Steelman to her supporters.

On this last Sunday before the election I wanted to take a minute to discuss some of the values issues that are so important to me, and so important to many of you. I was prompted to write by a comment at a stop on the tour from a gentleman who said just remember who is in charge and pointed up. And I told him that whatever we do here whether in our jobs or for our families or in our lives it should be based on those things eternal because that is what is lasting.The Bible says in Hebrews 11:1, “Now FAITH is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things unseen.” Our founding fathers had tremendous faith and they relied on God to guide them through the birth of our nation. They had a vision of this great country of ours. They believed that as long as we restricted the power of government allowing people to be free to pursue their hearts and their dreams that this nation would flourish.As you all know, Ronald Reagan, inspired me as he did many of you. I am reminded of his description of American in his State of Union speech in 1988:“Well, these ideas were part of a larger notion - a vision, if you will, of America herself - an America not only rich in opportunity for the individual but an America, too, of strong families and vibrant neighborhoods, an America whose divergent but harmonizing communities were a reflection of a deeper community of values - the value of work, of family, of religion - and of the love of freedom that God places in each of us and whose defense He has entrusted in a special way to this nation.All of this was made possible by an idea I spoke of when Mr. Gorbachev was here - the belief that the most exciting revolution ever known to humankind began with three simple words: “We the People” - the revolutionary notion that the people grant government its rights, and not the other way around.”That is the kind of America I believe in - where the power is in the hands of the people.The choices our leaders make matter because it reflects our values as a people. As a Christian, I believe that God gives each and everyone of us life and a purpose. That is why we must protect and respect life from the unborn to the sick and elderly. Every single life, in God's eyes has infinite value. Family is the cornerstone of our society and it starts with honoring marriage. That's why I wrote the amendment to our constitution defining marriage between one man and one woman. And it's why I will always fight for smaller government, so that the real power rests where it should, with you and your family.But most importantly, we fight for the reasons our founders fought. For our God-given rights to life, to liberty, and to pursue those destinies that He places in all of our hearts. We fight so that this beautiful state and nation we love, under God, will stand strong -- so that our children and our children's' children may know even greater blessings than we have known. So that they can be all God creates them to be. Those things are eternal.And finally, God asks us to put others first, to love your neighbor as yourself, to walk the extra mile, to do more than what is expected. As a believer, that is what is asked of us, and that is what I will always strive for no matter what job I do.Tonight I want to thank you for your support and humbly ask for your prayers for my family. Tomorrow we put in our final day of campaigning before Tuesday's primary. Thank you for your support and your willingness to fight for the principles of conservatism and the values we hold dear.


Anonymous said...

Oh, man...maybe I shouldn't have voted for Hulsoff... :)

Bryan Tucker said...

ct, who did you vote for?