Wednesday, February 17, 2010

CT Urban Farmer

My dream job would be some sort of farmer. I would settle for anything in the agricultural industry. With my background and situation in life, the chances of me doing this are looking slim to none. So what do I do to scratch this itch? I garden. I started off about 5 years ago with just a couple of tomato plants and have added something new every year. I am by no means a green thumb yet but am working on it.

In years past i have limited my garden my side yard and containers on the back porch. This year I am going all out. I am adding raised beds to the back yard and hope to grow most all of our fresh produce for the summer and fall. I would also like to learn to can my produce to have enough to make it through winter. It may not happen, but I am looking forward to trying. In addition to the vegeatables and herbs I am wanting to plant bluberry, raspberry and blackberry bushes. I would also like to bring chickens into the mix eventually.

If it sounds far fetched for my meager yard, check out these people. They are able to produce 6000 lbs of produce per year on their 1/10th of an acre lot. They may be a little crazy, but they have a great story.

So if there is anyone out there who would like to teach me the art of canning and jam making I would love to hear from you.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tebow, Homeschool, and Pierce v. Society of Sister

After reading a friends blog on homeschooling I was reminded of an article I read some time back. It covers the plight of the homeschooler trying to participate in public school athletics. I see both sides of this issue. If you pay your taxes you should be able to get some benefit from it. On the other hand, you have opted out of the main part of school which is the education part. I don't view school as a cafeteria plan where you can choose what you want to participate in and what you don't.

What do you think? Should homescoolers be allowed to participate in certain public school activities (sports, art, PE, lunch, etc) or is it an all in or all out proposition?

For me the jury is still out on this one. I am leaning towards one direction.


Stuff Christians Like That I Don't Like

There are things that Christians say, support, and do that tend get under my skin. I hope this list does not offend you. I am not saying that there is something wrong with most of these things. It is that they are just not for me.

1) Chick-fil-a
2) One word church names. "The Village, The Way, Pontification, The Signal, etc"
3) Beth Moore
4) Sarah Palin
5) Use of the @ sign
6) Christian Radio.
7) The Duggars. I do like their laundry soap (It is not them personally, I am sure they are great people)
8) Tea Party Movement
9) The phrase 24/7/365
10) Tim Tebow
11) Boycotting. Disney, P&G, Sony, The Da Vinci Code, Halloween,Etc.
12) Kirk Cameron

I am sure there are plenty of things that I do that get under others skin. This is just my list.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Rob Bell "Drops Like Stars"

My Christmas shopping list this year included a book for my brother by Rob Bell. As someone who views Bell as somewhere between Vince Offer and the Antichrist, this was a tough decision for me to make. As it was the only thing given to me on the list I decided to get it. As I looked over the book at CPO I made a few observations.
1) This book looks huge from a distance. It is like 2'6"X 2". Upon closer look it is only about 1/2" thick including the hard bound cover. It is about like a large children's book.
2) Upon opening the book for further investigation I discovered that there is very little substance. The size comparison to a child's book is a direct comparison to the amount of actual print in the book. It is a series of large photos and 1-2 sentences on the adjacent page for the most part.
3) The price of the book was to high for the amount of content. With a tag of $36.99 it was best to be left on the shelf.
4) The artwork on the cover was great.

My experience with this book sums up my opinion of Bell. If you are looking for something that looks good from a distance but has little substance and will cause you to pay too high a price, then Rob Bell's version of Christianity is just for you.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Getting To Know Me

It has been several months since my last try at blogging. I though I may give it another last try. With my laps in blogging I thought you may want to reacquaint yourself with me. The following lists are not all inclusive but just a primer on me.

Things I don't like:
Farmville, Mafia Wars, or most any of the applications on Facebook
Rascal Flatts (that is not country)
Pizza with chicken or white sauce
Bumper stickers of any kind
Lanyard key chains
Miniature dogs
Use of "text speak" like LOL and OMG in any correspondence
Use of "text speak" in conversation (that really gets me)
Being asked to be part of the MDA Lockup
My work computer
Texas Longhorns
Restaurants that serve chips when fries should be served
New TShirts that have not been washed
Modern furniture
Rental cars without cruise control
Having to wear glasses
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, etc
When guys wear lady jeans (sorry Chad)
People who call me dude or bro
Birds as pets
Jack Black movies

Thing I like:
Being outside
Pulled Pork
Lonesome Dove
Large dogs
Cowboy boots
Shooting skeet
A good country song
Race Brothers Farm and Home Supply
Ozarks Watch Video Magazine
OU Football
Cooking for people
Trying new restaurants when I travel and eating at the same ones over and over again when I am home
Watching the Cards with Jenny
Helping people

Things I love:
My Boys
My Church


Friday, January 9, 2009

Things That I Like About 09 So Far

1)  The news reported that chest hair is now in style

2) Wii

3)  60 degree weather

4)  Selling stuff on Craigslist

5)  Our crazy new fish, Nemo

6)  Jenny couponing

7)  Jenny wearing cowboy boots

8)  So far I am still in my mid to late 20's

9)  Jackson is funnier than he was in 08. Seriously he really is.

10)  Adecco Blend from Mudhouse

11)  The picture of Hillen on the sofa

12)  Golden Cashmere

13)  Going on an owl hunt 

14)  Henry's growing obsession with pirates

15)  All of the Christmas stuff is in the attic for 11 months

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Crazy Craigslister

So, I put some stuff on  I sold a chair in about an hour. But in that hour I had some crazy people email me. One wanted to know "on a scale of 1-10 how squeaky it was". Another wanted to know if I would hold it for a week. There is no layaway plan for craigslist. My favorite is this guy........

He starts with this:

Would it be possible, if you could answer all of the following questions, regarding the value, and history of this item?

1.  How old is this chair?
2.  What did you pay for it, brand new?  Where did you buy it?
3.  What is the overall condition of the glider...anything cracked, torn in upholstery, etc.
4.  Why are you selling it?
5.  Would you reconsider accepting a lower offer?
6.  How would you rate it, on the "comfort level" and operation level?

I replied:

I am not sure on the age or cost.  It is in good shape.  We used it for rocking our children and they are too big to be rocked now.  I find it to be very comfortable, but that is subjective.  We recovered it a few years back.  

He then replied:

Thank you for answering some of my questions.  But, there were a couple that were not.  
1.  Would you reconsider accepting a lower offer for this glider?
2.  Approximately how old is it?